MyCycle Mysore and a little more


On our penultimate day in Mysore, we enjoyed one of Stephen’s infamous ‘Mycycle Tours’. I say ‘we’,  Amy took a rickshaw tour due to her dodgy leg and I taught myself how to cycle while holding a camera.The cycle tour is remarkable.  Stephen has been taking guests on a bike rides around Mysore for years, so he knows his stuff. Srirangipatna is an unlikely place to head to if you don’t have the inside scoop, so taking one of Stephen's tours around this stunning river island just next to Mysore is a real treat.  Despite having already visited the area a few years ago, it was amazing to see the area with a fresh pair of eyes.  The area is extremely rural and full of fascinating culture.  Stephen is an excellent guide, so you can really get beneath the surface.  The tour takes you through villages where people live in traditional mud huts, over bridges with views of endless rocky rivers and through paddy fields that don't even seem real.  It really is a fascinating and beautiful day out.My video can hopefully translate a little better than my words…

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Thanks for making us feel so at home Stephen and Manjula, see you again someday.1464109059_thumb.jpeg


MyCycle Mysore Cycle Tours video | Mysore, India


My Oh Mysore!