mini little blog about Colombo


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We spent six hot and dusty hours traveling on the bus to get there.

This was to be a pit-stop on our way back down south to see our dearly beloved Maia who had surprised us by coming to Sri Lanka!  However, once we arrived at our apartment, we were so wooed by the A/C that we immediately booked a second night.  It would take at least two days to get our bodies back to room temp. after the horrific journey.

We were told repeatedly that Colombo was not a good place to visit and that it was crazy busy.  We were determined to see its good side and discovered that yes, it does have one, possibly several.  Where we stayed definitely put us at an advantage.  At Visit Lanka apartment, we had a wonderful view of the sea which was just at the end of our road and although we didn’t go to the beach, it was nice to be able to wander alongside it.  We had some delicious meals in the nearby Yaal restaurant with our wonderful new buds Katja and Matej.


A couple of things we learnt in Colombo:

Shopping is still boring.

We tried doing some shopping at the local department store because we were already getting a bit sick of wearing the same clothes, but when we actually got to the shops we remembered we hate shopping so bought chocolate instead.

What goes in, doesn’t always come out.

Of the laundrette that is.  From now on, I’m going to attach a label to our laundry with little drawings of what’s included. I am still in mourning over my favourite socks.colombo_7 colombo_6 


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Tangalle, with our girl Maia


Sigiriya and Dambulla