Breakfast Crumble With Orange Cream

There are a few awesome things about this recipe. Firstly, it’s dessert for breakfast, yay! Secondly you really can use whatever fruit you have at home, be it frozen, fresh or on its way out! The same goes for the crumble topping. You can substitute the suggested nuts and seeds for whatever you have in your cupboards.

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This is not a super sweet crumble and its sweetness will depend on the fruit you use. For this reason you may choose to increase or decrease the amount of coconut sugar in the fruit layer, depending on how sweet you like your breakfast! I love to include a mix of frozen fruits like berries and tropical fruit as well as apples and pears. Segments of citrus fruits like orange or satsuma are perfect too.

The zingy orange cream made with cashews adds a refreshing touch of decadence. Because YOU DESERVE THIS.

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Fruit Layer

3-4 cups mixed fruit, fresh, frozen or a mix of both

Small handful raisins or sultanas

Thumb sized chunk of fresh ginger minced or very finely chopped

2 tablespoons cornflour dissolved into 1/4 cup water (you can omit this, you will just have a thinner fruit syrup)

2 tablespoons coconut sugar

Juice of half a lemon

Sprinkling of cinnamon

Crumble Topping

2 cups oats

1/4 cup ground almonds

1/4 ground toasted hazelnuts (or sub more ground almonds)

handful pumpkin seeds

handful sunflower seeds

1/4-1/2 cup desiccated coconut 

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

large pinch salt

2 teaspoon coconut sugar 

3 tablespoons coconut oil, melted by adding 2-3 tablespoons boiling water

Orange Cream

1/2 cup cashews ideally soaked overnight, otherwise soak them in boiling water for around an hour until they have plumped up a bit

Zest of half an orange

2 teaspoons maple syrup

Pinch sea salt

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1.5 cups water

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


To Make The Crumble

Pre-heat oven to 180°C/356°F

Add mixed fruit and sultanas/raisins and ginger to an oven-proof dish (I use one that is 26cm x 20cm) and mix.

Add cornflour mixture, coconut sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon and mix to coat all of the fruit.

In a separate bowl combine all of the crumble ingredients except the coconut oil and mix well.

Add the coconut oil and mix until everything is moist and crumbly. 

Sprinkle the crumble topping over the fruit and bake in the oven for 30 mins, until the top is golden brown.

To Make The Cream

Discard the soaking water from the cashews and give them a good rinse.

Add everything to a high powered blender for around a minute until you have a super smooth and runny cream. The consistency should be like regular single cream.

Enjoy the crumble warm with cream drizzled over the top. Store leftovers in the fridge and enjoy cold the next day or reheat gently in the oven.


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